Feb: Dr. Schattenburg gives invited talk on “metrology challenges for fabrication of high aspect-ratio, nano-scale x-ray diffraction gratings” at SPIE meeting on Advanced Lithography + Patterning in San Jose, CA
Nov: Congratulations to Mallory Whalen for receiving the R. V. Jones Student Scholarship at the 38th ASPE Annual Meeting!
Oct: Increased soft x-ray diffraction efficiency with oxidation/vapor-HF-thinned CAT gratings demonstrated
Sept: Congratulations to Dr. Yao to his new position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center!
July: Congratulations to Dr. Wisniewski to his successful Ph.D. defense!
June: Congratulations to Mallory Whalen to her Master’s degree!
Feb. (and Oct. 2022): Papers on femtosecond laser micromachining published in Opt. Laser Technol. and Optica
Oct: Press release on Prof. Zuo’s latest work
Aug: Soft x-ray resolving power ~ 13,000 demonstrated with two co-aligned CAT gratings made from 200 mm SOI wafers
Aug: The Rocket Experiment Demonstration of a Soft X-ray Polarimeter (REDSoX) – carrying CAT gratings and laterally-graded multilayers – was selected by NASA for launch in 2027!
July: Congratulations to Prof. Zuo to her new position at the University of New Mexico!
April: Paper on stress tensor mesostructures for deterministic freeform figuring of thin substrates published in Optica. MIT News Press Release.
Nov: CubeSat Imaging X-Ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS), carrying gold transmission gratings, selected by NASA for launch in 2024!
Aug: Congratulations to Dr. Zuo to her successful Ph.D. defense!
July 30: Successful flight of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) sounding rocket with variable-period reflection grating!
June: First x-ray data from 6 micron-deep CAT gratings with increased diffraction efficiency (> 40%)
June: New SNL video.
March: SNL featured in NASA Science Technology Highlights.
November: Congratulations to Dr. Song to his successful Ph.D. defense!
July: Congratulations to Prof. Chalifoux to his new position at the University of Arizona!
Aug: Lynx Concept Study Report submitted to NASA 2020 Astro Decadal Survey
Feb: CAT grating paper selected as Editors’ Pick by Applied Optics
Sept: Paper on surface stress fields for thin mirror figure correction selected as Editors’ Pick by JOSA A
March: Demonstration of CAT grating spectrometer with four co-aligned gratings and two co-aligned silicon pore optics at PANTER
Aug: Arcus, a NASA MIDEX mission proposal based on CAT gratings, silicon-pore optics, and x-ray CCDs, has been selected for a Phase A concept study.
June: Enhanced high-energy diffraction efficiency demonstrated with atomic-layer-deposition Pt-coated CAT gratings
Feb: Record high soft x-ray grating spectrometer resolving power > 10,000 demonstrated!